September 23, 2010

Why a blog?

By: Heather
Recently I was organizing this past summer's pictures and realized how many fun events and photos we had not passed along to friends and family.  The very idea of composing a cohesive email for all of these happenings and including the appropriate pictures seemed rather daunting.  Then one begins to wonder, 'who really wants to see all of these, anyhow?'.  And then comes the guessing, with no mathematical basis whatsoever, how many photos one may include in each email so that no recipient's inbox reaches its point of combustion.

One day I relayed these thoughts to Ryan and said I was considering a blog for our family.  His eager reply was, "so was I!".  As most often happens when two 'A type' people come up with an idea, it has come to fruition.

This blog will exist under a few simple guidelines.  First, niether our last name nor our city of residence will appear here! Second, our children will be referred to by their first initial only.  Lastly, may our words be pleasing to our Father in Heaven's ears. And we ask that all readers refrain from posting our family's photos on your facebook, webpage, or anywhere else online.

It is our goal that this blog keeps our many friends and family from near, and especially far, up on what is happening in the organized chaos of our household.  Here you will find some funny stories, as five children, all under the age of 7, provide on a nearly daily basis.  This will also be the home of discoveries from the world of homeschooling: curriculum, thoughts, ideas, failures, and successes. Recipes and sewing projects will also be thrown in for some occasional homemaking fun.  And surely there will be other genres of postings here, but as for what those categories may be called is not to be decided now.  We hope that whatever comes to print on this page blesses all that read it and above all, glorifies God.


Jessica-MomForHim said...

Happy to be your first follower! :-)

Diana said...

Beautiful Blog. Love the comments/pictures. Can't wait for the next post.

Thank you also for list of books and curriculum you are using.