October 25, 2010

Favorite Homeschool Purchase this year!

A few weeks back I read a post on Five J's blog about Flashmaster and thought that this tool sounded like a great idea for us.  We were struggling with helping Z really cement his basic addition facts while not exhausting him or us.  However, when I looked the product up on Amazon I was a little horrified at its price.  So I dismissed it and went on our flashcard and worksheet way. 

Then, ten days ago, Ryan and I stopped by a local rummage sale that had been advertised on our homeschool email chain.  Lo and behold...there was a used Flashmaster in its box with directions for a fifth of its new price.  It quickly went home with us.

I don't know who invented this complicated looking gadget, but it is fantastic!  It is made in such a way that kids learn how to use it without hardly an explanation and it feels fun to them.  Mind you...we are not a computer or video game family, but he has almost all the buttons figured out. It allows him to MOVE anywhere and everywhere while learning, which is big for him, and he can see his results, which is motivating to him.  So, from the family room I hear "Mom, I missed two on my '3' tables".  Then, from upstairs comes, "Mom, I got a 100% this time!". 

He even decided to take it in the car on our hour long trip to Grandma's a few days ago!  I certainly never saw flashcards going anywhere with him!

The best part: I can cook dinner, change a diaper, teach T her phonics.......all while he works on his math facts! 


Joy @ Five J's said...

Wow! What a deal! So glad you like it. It's sure been a help for my kids.

Diana said...

It is wonderful that you found a Flashmaster! Great price!

It sounds like Z has found that learning can be fun. That will make it that much easier.
You are doing great "multi-tasking".