March 08, 2011

New Pages: Books

As you may notice there are new tabs on the top of our blog.  These will lead you to a few different pages. 

Right now you will find booklists.  I have been keeping a binder full of lists of books we enjoy, want to purchase, hope to find at the library, etc.  These new links organize the many pages in my binder permanently and hopefully give other families some new book ideas. 

I find the library to be a blessing and a curse.  It is awesome to be able to expose ourselves and our children to many new books for free.  However, the content choices can leave a lot to be desired by a conservative family.  Thus, I developed my working lists of what I deem to be acceptable titles.  My hope is that I will be able to find many great books fast as my current toddler and baby grow to be preschoolers (and older) by using these lists. 

I could mention many disclaimers about my lists, but really, if you read Valerie's essay here it will tell you everything and much more that I would say.

Happy reading!

1 comment:

Diana said...

That is a good list. What Valarie says about books is so true, you even have to watch out with the same author.

The best you can do is point out truths from the Bible; love, 10 Commandments, Fruit of the Spirit, forgiveness, etc. Then when they read they will learn in time what is good in a bookmand what is not.